OPEN LETTER TO VOITHIA… Answering Rebuttal of Internet Statements of Archimendrite Pantelimon, posted by Voithia 9/7/98.
RE: Recent publication concerning Saint Michael Academy of Florida
September 10, 1998
To the Patriarchate of Alexandria
Archimendrite Pantelimon, Chancellor
Alexandria, Egypt

My Dear Brother in Christ,


YIATI….WHY?… Why do you continue to degrade, attack, by persisting and insisting on false statements, the specifics of which consist of misinformation concerning the emanation and genesis of Saint Michael Academy of Florida. You state there has never been any connection of our Academy to Alexandria. Please review the enclosed letter, (see attachment 1) stated by Bishop Iacovos of Catina that we were under Alexandrian jurisdiction, dated 9/2/96. As for documentation, you must remove the endorsements of His Holiness Parthenios III in accepting monetary tribute for Holy Myron and endowment pledges, gifts to the Patriarchate. (See attached copies of canceled checks, attachment 2) Please note face amounts of enclosed checks were removed to honor His Holiness peace and eternal memory.


YIATI?…WHY do you insist on negating Pope Nicholas established churches, Saint Athenasios, Miami, Florida, others, and Pope Parthenios decision to accept the terms and honor his predecessor. YIATI……?


Did not Pope Petros, then an Archbishop of Cameroon, on being apprised of our existence, by request of Pope Parthenios, not complain of jurisdictional differences now being stated as his words, yet coming from your mouth and hand? (see attachment 3)


If you can, explain the Patriarch's own hand signature and endorsement on enclosed checks cashed in Greece and the face being his name, as an Alexandrian evolutionized entity, legitimate to the One Holy Apostolic Orthodox Church.


As for recognition of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, please be advised it is of record the Ukrainian National Orthodox Church, Blessings of Kiev, under the then Archbishop Palladios since 1921, was declared by Constantinople to be autocephalous in America. Please note the enclosed contract and document. (see attachment 4) I am an Archbishop ordained and serving their jurisdiction, which incidentally was a founding member of the S.C.O.B.A. hierarchy. Your denials constitute a canonical release. All this does not erase the truth that we are an original genesis of a jurisdictional chronology emanating from Alexandrian evolution to an autocephalous present day position in the church ecclesia. We will not falsely state otherwise. We will not remove our historic credentials for hierarchies who find it convenient to receive their support from others who wish to erase any presence of their Greek Orthodox Patriarchate's influence in America. I by the Archangel Michael will rely on his protection from all politics of the ecclesia, as director of an orthodox teaching institution blessed by His Holiness Parthenios III, Pope Nicholas and even Pope Petros at my last conversation with him by telephone. Let there be peace between us in God's love. "Kai En Daxi"

Archbishop Haralambos

Administrator of the Academy of

Saint Michael Orthodox Church, Greek Orthodox

Attachment 1
Letter from Bishop Iacovos of Catania

Attachment 2
Canceled checks from Alexandria
Canceled checks from Alexandria

Attachment 3
Letter to Parthenios III

Attachment 4
Contract with Ukrainian National Orthodox Church
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

Attachment 5
Letter from Bishop Antoun, Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese
